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Do I need a Social Security Disability Attorney?

On Behalf of | Feb 19, 2017 | Attorney, Benefits, Firm News, Social Security

Potential clients, even friends and family often ask – do I need an attorney to obtain disability benefits?  To answer this question I like to make the analogy of a dentist and having a tooth pulled.  You don’t need a dentist to remove a tooth but the process probably goes a lot smoother with a professional rather than using a pair of pliers in front of a mirror and the risk of disaster is far less.  A qualified social security disability attorney knows the current laws applicable to obtaining social security disability including the federal regulations and guidelines administrative law judges use when making a decision as to whether or not an individual is disabled.  Additionally, an experienced social security disability attorney is well-versed in the procedures that apply during your actual hearing – what types of questions your judge usually asks, the focus and experience of the vocational expert on your case and how to narrow examination when you testify to focus on your medical and/or mental infirmities and how those infirmities effect your ability to work.  Aside from knowing the social security application process procedurally a good social security attorney will have support staff in place in order to keep track of the time-sensitive deadlines in your case.  Obtaining social security disability benefits is not as simple as showing up to  a hearing with a stack of medical records.   Disability attorneys only get paid if a client successfully wins a case therefore you are not out of pocket if you choose to hire an attorney but the financial benefit of hiring a good attorney who ultimately helps you to be successful in obtaining your disability benefits is huge when you look at the benefit of receiving monthly social security benefits over time as well as any backpay you may be entitled to.